mardi 25 octobre 2011

Additionnal lighting -Details and tests

As you can see on the following schematics, this new accessory is powered with +5V from the power supply PCB.
Note that it's got 2 inputs, which allows to switch the LEDs on from the BS2 or from the PC104 (printer port).
Each input has a pull down resistor to avoid floating status.
Diodes + Transistor = "OR gate"

This little device is not going to change everything because the available power is limited, but the first vision tests prove that it's an improvement. I re-used the Roborealm routine "object tracking" without moving the robot or changing the poor lighting condition of the room :

Without the additionnal lights, the yellow item is not detected

With the LEDs on, a blob appears and can be processed

What next ?
LEDs orientation still need to be tuned
The second input has to be tested. Roborealm would be able to switch the lights on just when needed, simply through a "Parallel_Port" module.

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